There is no such thing as risk-free anesthesia, however we make it our priority to keep that risk as low as possible. We do this by developing an individual anesthetic plan for each of our patients. This will typically include a premedication to help relax your horse before the procedure, as well as a smooth induction into general anesthesia.
Our veterinary nurses monitor each patient very closely while they are under anesthesia. We monitor important vital signs including heart rate, respiration rate, and body temperature.
In addition to the trained senses of our astute doctors and nurses, some of the tools we may use to ensure your horse has a safe anesthetic procedure include an IV catheter, EKG monitoring to watch the heart rate and rhythm, SPO2 monitors to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood, Doppler or Oscilometric blood pressure devices, temperature probes or thermometers, and Capnograms to measure carbon dioxide levels.
If you have any questions or concerns about your horse and anesthesia, be sure to speak with your horse’s veterinarian before the procedure.